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Role of Non-Wood Forest Products in Welfare of Beneficiary Stakeholders in Sheikan Locality, North Kordofan State, Sudan
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 4 (August)
Pages: 129-136   |   Vol. 3, No. 4, August 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 35   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 2167   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Mohamed E. Taha, Forest Management, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, University of Kordofan, Elobeid, Sudan.
Hala A. Rizig, Forest Management, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, University of Kordofan, Elobeid, Sudan.
Hatim M. A. Elamin, Institute of Gum Arabic Research & Desertification Studies, University of Kordofan, Elobeid, Sudan.
Muneer E. S. Eltahir, Institute of Gum Arabic Research & Desertification Studies, University of Kordofan, Elobeid, Sudan.
Tsegaye Bekele, Wood Technology at Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources, Hawassa University, Wondo Genet, Ethiopia.
The study was conducted in Sheikan Locality, North Kordofan State. It investigated the contribution of non-wood forest products (NWFPs) to welfare of different beneficiary stakeholders. Primary data were collected using two types of questionnaires prepared for 20 traders and 105 household heads. Direct interviews were carried out by involving the staff of relevant governmental institutions. The secondary data were obtained from records and books, reports and relevant studies. The results showed that considerable number of respondents use NWFPs for household consumption; Balanites aegyptiaca (51.4%), Acacia nilotica (49.5%), Grewia tenax (42.0%), Tamarindus indica (41.0%), Adansonia digitata (40.0%) and Ziziphus spini-christi (31.4%). While those involved in selling NWFPs constitute respective percentages of 94.0, 30.5, 30.5, 20.0, 20.0 and 10.0 for Acacia senegal, Tamarindus indica, Acacia nilotica, Ziziphus spini-christi, Balanites aegyptiaca and Grewia tenax. It was revealed that 81.0% of the respondents consider NWFPs as a source of income, 100% as sources of food, 60.0% as fodder and medical remedies, while 11.4% believe that NWFPs are important for soil conservation and fertility improvement. About 59% of respondents sell their products at the forest gate, village markets and weekly markets. Fees issued on NWFPs include Zakat, Local Council, Forests National Corporation and Crops Market Services. Relevant governmental institutions are recommended to improve market conditions of NWFPs and consider combination of taxes and fees with involvement of all concerned stakeholders.
NWFPs, Welfare, Households, Stakeholders, Fees, Soil Conservation, Zakat, North Kordofan
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