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Determinants of Agricultural Export Growth in Nigerian
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 3 (June)
Pages: 105-109   |   Vol. 3, No. 3, June 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 41   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 2311   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Udah S. C., Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Abia State University, Abia State, Nigeria; Division of Resource Management, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, U. S. A..
Nwachukwu I. N., Department of Agribusiness and Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike Abia State, Nigeria.
Nwosu A. C., Department of Agricultural Economics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike Abia State, Nigeria.
Mbanasor J. A., Department of Agribusiness and Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike Abia State, Nigeria.
Akpan S. B., Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Akwa Ibom State University, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria.
The performance of agricultural GDP in Nigeria in the last thirty years has been decimal, declining from 64 percent share of gross domestic product (GDP) in 1960 to 44 percent in 2010. In response to this scenario, this study evaluated the determinants of agricultural export growth in Nigeria and proffered recommendations based on research findings. Time series secondary data were used. The study adopted regression analysis on micro and macro-economic variables to find the significant relationship between the different variables chosen. The result shows that 66.4% of the variations in the dependent variable were explained by the explanatory variables. The regression analysis shows that export intensity is positively related to agricultural export. This points toward international trade as a veritable instrument in achieving agricultural growth and wealth to the nation. Adopting or sustaining liberalization policy is advocated while infrastructures that promote massive agricultural production should be vigorously pursued. Such infrastructures should include functional ports, power supply, telecommunication, agro allied industries, sound security outfit and good road network. This is because for an economy to be agricultural export oriented there has to be surplus commodities made possible through economy of scale. It is therefore very important for the aforementioned structures to be in place to realize Nigerian agricultural export goal.
Agricultural Export Growth, Regression Analysis, Export Intensity, Liberalization Policy Infrastructural Development, Economy of Scale
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