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Evaluation of Two Protocols Developed for Xanthomonas albilineas Molecular Detection in Sugarcane
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 1 (February)
Pages: 12-16   |   Vol. 3, No. 1, February 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 66   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 2432   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Arriola Benitez P. C., Department of Microbiology, Laboratory of Bacteriology, Faculty of Exact, Chemical and Natural Sciences, National University of Misiones, Posadas, Misiones, Argentina.
Liotta D. J., Applied Molecular Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Exact, Chemical and Natural Sciences, National University of Misiones, Posadas, Misiones, Argentina.
Padovan C., Unit for Rural Change of Argentina, Development of Rural Areas Programme (PRODEAR) Misiones, Posadas, Misiones.
Quiroga M. I., Department of Microbiology, Laboratory of Bacteriology, Faculty of Exact, Chemical and Natural Sciences, National University of Misiones, Posadas, Misiones, Argentina.
Leaf scald disease caused by Xanthomonas albilineans (Ashby) Dowson is one of the most devastating diseases of sugarcane which has a direct impact on production and manufacturing quality. Currently, molecular tests have been proposed for the detection of this phytopathogen. In this work, two PCR's protocols developed by Pan et al. in 1997 and 1999 were evaluated, with primers that amplify a fragment of the ITS region between the ribosomal genes 16S and 23S. The search of X. albilineans was done from the juice obtained of 35 asymptomatic and symptomatic plants of sugarcane cultivated in localities of the provinces of Misiones and Corrientes, Argentina. X. albilineans was detected in only one of the symptomatic samples but in any of the asymptomatic ones. The protocol developed in 1999 was the one that gave the best results. It is important to emphasize the detection of this phytopathogen in the province of Misiones.
Phytopathogen, Molecular Detection, Sugarcane Diseases, Leaf Scald, Xanthomonas
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