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Tree Species Diversity and Dynamic with More Emphasis on Acacia senegal in the Gum Belt of North Kordofan, Sudan
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2018
Issue 3 (September)
Pages: 35-40   |   Vol. 5, No. 3, September 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 35   Since Oct. 10, 2018 Views: 1096   Since Oct. 10, 2018
Awad Elkarim Suliman Osman Khalifa, Department of Desertification Studies and Environment, Institute of Gum Arabic Research and Desertification Studies, University of Kordofan, Elobied, Sudan.
The study was conducted in Bara Locality, North Kordofan State, Sudan as a part of Gum Arabic belt that was affected by drought and desertification to evaluated woody tree vegetation in Bara locality, with more emphasis on A. senegal. Moreover the paper is intended tocompare the existing tree vegetation with the past one in terms of tree density and species composition, and to investigate the distribution of Acacia senegal according to maturity stage and the best mode of regeneration for increasing the number of Acacia senegal in the area. For the study Baralocality was divided into four divisions and two villages were taken randomly from each division. A vegetation survey was carried out around each village to identify tree species, number of trees per ha and mode of regeneration and maturity stage of A. senegal trees. The results showed that the same tree species in Bara Locality were maintained while changes in relative densities were observed especially for A. senegal, which decreased to 2% from the reported 31% in 1995. The dominant tree species were Acacia tortilis followed by Leptodeniapyrotechnica, Calotrpisproceras, Balanitesegyptiaca, Fidherbiaalbida, Ziziphusspinachristi and lastly A. senegal. The dominant mode of A. senegal regeneration was natural regeneration by seeds. The study recommended artificial regeneration (plantation of A. senegal) to increase the number of Acacia senegal trees in the study area as well as to increase the awareness of local people with its direct and indirect benefits
Gum Belt, Acacia senegal, Woody Tree Vegetation, Tree Density and Biodiversity
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Tarig; Mahmoud, Abdelateif; Ibrahim, Mohamed; Taha, Awad Elkarim; Khalifa, Hassan; Adam, Jürgen; Pretzsch, Eckhard; Auch, Mohamed; Elsayed, Hatim; Elamin, Osman; Adlan, Zeinab; Hamad, Muneer; Siddig, Mohamed; Elhaja; Fathi; Baldo, Asmamaw; Alemu, Elbasha; Bakhat (2016). Recent Changes in Local Marketing Patterns of Gum Arabic in Kordofan, Sudan. Journal of Agricultural Science & Engineering. ISSN: 2381-6821 (Print); ISSN: 2381-6848 (online). American Institute of Science (AIS), USA. "
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