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Thermal Stress Due to Tumor in Periphery of Human Breast
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2015
Issue 5 (September)
Pages: 50-59   |   Vol. 2, No. 5, September 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 40   Since Sep. 16, 2015 Views: 1910   Since Sep. 16, 2015
Akshara Makrariya, Department of Applied Science, Sagar Institute of Research & Technology - Excellence (SIRTE), Bhopal, Madhya, Pradesh, India.
Neeru Adlakha, Department of Applied Mathematics &Humanities, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), Surat, Gujarat, India.
Temperature being a very special variable but not a specific property of the body results only from the thermal equilibrium between a body and its environment. The presence of abnormalities like tumors in human body organs can cause thermal stress and disturb this thermal equilibrium. In view of above a two dimensional finite element model has been developed to study the thermal disturbances caused by the presence of a non-uniformly perfused tumor in peripheral regions of spherical shaped human breast. The peripheral regions and tumors are non-homogeneous in nature. The model incorporates the non-homogeneity of thermal conductivity, blood mass flow, and self-controlled and uncontrolled rate of metabolic heat generation. The study is conducted for a nude subject under normal environmental conditions. The appropriate boundary conditions have been framed. The triangular ring elements have been employed to discretize the region. A program has been developed in MATLAB to obtain numerical results. The results indicate that non uniformly perfused tumors cause non uniform thermal stress in peripheral regions of human breast due to non-homogeneity of sub regions. The information of thermal stress due to tumors can be useful to predict the type, shape, size and location of tumors in human breast.
Thermal Conductivity, Non Uniformly Perfused Tumor, Finite Element Method, MATLAB 7.5
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