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Infrared Spectrum of Human Bio-energetic Field
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2015
Issue 6 (November)
Pages: 63-67   |   Vol. 2, No. 6, November 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 77   Since Oct. 14, 2015 Views: 1763   Since Oct. 14, 2015
Aurelian Udristioiu, Department of Hematology, Clinical Laboratory, Emergency County Hospital Targu Jiu & UCB University, City Targu Jiu, Romania.
The impact of living mater with unionized radiations is a theme of frequent researches for treatments in complementary medicine. Aim: In presenting work were made the measurements of bio-energetic field applied to experimental fluids and we have given the explanations of the bio-energetic effect by quantum theory. Method: The technology of measurement was based on electro-mechanic principle, using a Laboratory pH Meter WPA-CD 7400, converting mV in units of intensity of bio-magnetic fields, mathematically calculated as fento Tesla (fT). As a control method have been used the laboratory paper of pH which changes color to a increase or decrease of 0.30 to 0.50 pH value, by emersion in experimental solutions. Results: n bases of quantum theory (E= υ h) was calculated the intensity of levels bio-energy, in mean value of 0.04 meV, which correspond to 10² f T of bio-magnetic field, the frequency of bio-magnetic wave, in value of 0.9*10¹² Hz, the bio-energetic wavelength=2.5* 10¯³ mm and corpuscular mass of bio-magnetic waves in value of ~ 2*10¯³² Kg or 1/10 from electron mass, (M) when "m"=2/Ec², in conformity with the parameter of mathematical counting or to prolong span of life cells. Conclusions: Bio-energetic fluids can be used in technology of preparation of drugs, from homeopath medicine and in laboratory medicine by the changes of pH in liquid medium with cultivated stem cells for to prolong the span life of cells, in view of cell-stem transplantation in chronic diseases.
Velocity of Light, Frequency of Light, Wavelength of Light, Planck Constant, Oester, Tesla, Electron Mass
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