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Review Paper: Natural Resource Management Using Geoinformatics
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2019
Issue 1 (February)
Pages: 14-20   |   Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 52   Since Mar. 20, 2019 Views: 1099   Since Mar. 20, 2019
Doaa Abu Hamoor, Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing Department, Environment and Climate Change Directorate, National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), Baqa’, Jordan.
Safa Mazahreh, Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing Department, Environment and Climate Change Directorate, National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), Baqa’, Jordan.
This review paper presents some applications of GIS which leads the decision making toward sustainable socioeconomic development and conservation of natural resources. GIS systems are important tools for managing natural and other resources at all scales ranging from local to global. GIS capabilities include the overlay of information provided by different thematic maps according to user-specified logic as well as derivative map outputs. GIS can refer to a number of different technologies, processes, and methods. It is attached to many operations and has many applications related to engineering, planning, management, transport/logistics, insurance, telecommunications, and business. For that reason, GIS and location intelligence applications can be the foundation for many location-enabled services that rely on analysis and visualization. The application of GIS in natural resource management has solved many problems related to the natural environment. Some examples of the applications of GIS in major fields are presented and discussed in this review paper: soil erosion, Hydrologic modeling, Land suitability evaluation and Land Suitability for Rainwater Harvesting.
GIS, Natural Resource Management, Land Suitability, Rainwater Harvesting
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