The Effectiveness of Tecar Therapy in Musculoskeletal Disorders
Samuel Ribeiro, Departement of Science Faculty, Fernando Pessoa University, Porto, Portugal.
Bebiana Henriques, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, School-Hospital of Fernando Pessoa University, Porto, Portugal.
Ricardo Cardoso, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, School-Hospital of Fernando Pessoa University, Porto, Portugal.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of tecar therapy in musculoskeletal disorders. Methods: Computerized search in databases such as PubMed / Medline, Web of knowledge, Lilacs, Scielo, PEDro, RCAAP and Cochrane, to identify randomized controlled trials that evaluated the effectiveness of tecar therapy in musculoskeletal conditions. Results: Six articles, were included in this review, through the inclusion and exclusion criteria, where they were divided in four categories: low back pain, femur fracture, rotator cuff tendinopathy and delayed onset muscle soreness on the quadriceps. Conclusion: The tecar therapy is an excellent therapy for the physiotherapeutic use and it´s incorporation in a conventional rehabilitation program, or it´s isolated use, may have advantages in the short and long term effects.
Tecar Therapy, Capacitive-Resistive Diathermy Therapy, Musculoskeletal Pathologies
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