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Clustering Localities of the North Kordofan State According to Their Health Services – Sudan, 2015
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2018
Issue 2 (March)
Pages: 27-32   |   Vol. 3, No. 2, March 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 23   Since Feb. 11, 2018 Views: 1212   Since Feb. 11, 2018
Mozamel Elnair Somi Kakitla, Economics and Rural Development Department, Dalanj University, Dalanj, Sudan.
Adam Turshin Feirrin Khalafalla, English Department, Dalanj University, Dalanj, Sudan.
Adam Hassan Takola Omer, Fuculty of High Studies, Dalanj University, Dalanj, Sudan.
This paper aims at grouping health services in the Localities of the North Kordofan State of the Sudan. Cluster analysis through hierarchical method is used as method to cluster localities on the bases of services through the entire North Kordofan State. Each cluster should be as similar as possible, while the different clusters ought to be as different as possible. The clustering purposes to relief in developing intact and convenient health plans. Actual data of 2015 from the Ministry of Health in Northern Kordofan State are used, and the variables considered are 29 variables. The key result is that health services in the localities of the North Kordofan State were grouped into four different clusters by one of (SPSS) solutions from 2 to 4, first cluster includes Elrahat, Umdum, Umrowaba, and Bara, the second cluster consists of Umrowaba locality, the third cluster involves Gabrat Elshaikh, Soadari and West Bara, and the last cluster comprise only Shaikan locality.
Cluster Analysis, Hierarchical Method, Localities, Clustring, Health Services, Sudan
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