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Relationship Between Obesity and Cortisol Among Young Adult Males in Ekpoma, Edo State
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2017
Issue 4 (July)
Pages: 15-19   |   Vol. 2, No. 4, July 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 23   Since Oct. 25, 2017 Views: 1292   Since Oct. 25, 2017
Imhantabhunu Ehigha Samson, Department of Human Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria.
Osifo Uyinmwen Charity, Department of Human Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria.
Omodiagbe Omoiyebagbe, Department of Human Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria.
This is a cross sectional study aimed at evaluating the relationship between obesity and cortisol among young adult males in Ekpoma; the administrative head quarter of Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State. In a bid to achieved this objective, 325 adult male subjects (20 and 40 years) were recruited via simple random sampling techniques after approval by the Ambrose Alli University Health Research Committee (Registration no; NHREC/12/06/2013). Those who met the inclusion criteria completed a questionnaire and blood sample obtained (2-3ml) for the determination of serum level of cortisol following compliance with the declaration on the right of the subject. The results showed that the mean BMI of the studied population was 26.51±3.83 Kg/m2. There was a significant difference in BMI values between these with normal BMI (22.23±1.97 Kg/m2), over-weight (27.01±1.20 Kg/m2) and obese (31.58±1.96 Kg/m2). The mean serum cortisol in the adult male was 33.81±12.92 ng/dl. Comparatively, those with normal BMI presented the highest cortisol level (35.10±12.08 ng/dl) with a non-significant decrease (p>0.05) in the overweight group (33.42±13.44 ng/dl) and the obese group (32.75±13.06 ng/dl). There was very weak negative correlation (r = - 0.022) between BMI and serum cortisol level. Age was observed to have a direct relationship with cortisol as those within 20-25 years has the lowest cortisol level (32.74±13.77 ng/dl), but increases as age increases. From the findings of this study, increasing BMI has a negative impact on serum cortisol levels and this can be influence by age.
Obesity, Cortisol, Stress
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