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Diagnostic Accuracy of Fine Needle Aspirate Cytology A Study of Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret Kenya
Current Issue
Volume 1, 2016
Issue 2 (September)
Pages: 14-19   |   Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 85   Since Aug. 17, 2016 Views: 1719   Since Aug. 17, 2016
Kiptanui Chebii, Department of Human Pathology Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.
Jack Odunga, Department of Reproductive Health Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.
Benson Macharia, Department of Human Pathology Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.
David Sang, Department of Biomedical Sciences Maseno University, Kisumu, Kenya.
Arthur Kwena, Department of Medical Biochemistry Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.
Finson Bargoria, Department of Conservative Dentistry Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.
Thyroid masses/nodules are common clinical manifestations with a worldwide prevalence of 4–7% in the general adult population and 0.2% – 1.2% in children. The vast majority of thyroid nodules are benign; fewer than 5% are malignant. It is preferred to operate only on those patients with suspicion of malignancy, while strict patient follow-up is recommended in dealing with benign cases. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) of thyroid is simple, minimally invasive, cost effective, readily available, time saving and an easy to perform outpatient procedure. The study was carried out at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) Eldoret Kenya. Its objective was to assess the accuracy of FNAC in diagnosing thyroid masses. FNAC and corresponding histological findings of 118 patients who had a pre-operative FNAC and subsequently a thyroid resection for definitive histological diagnosis between January 2007 and December 2014 were accessed from the archives of MTRH pathology laboratory. FNAC diagnoses were compared with the corresponding histological evaluation diagnoses for correlations and discrepancies. However the suspicious and inadequate FNAC diagnoses were excluded from statistical calculations analysis owing to their non-diagnostic importance. The concordance, false positive and false negative rates were 90.80%, 3.44% and 5.74% respectively. The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive values of FNAC were 90.80%, 54.54%, 96.05%, 66.66% and 94.58% respectively. FNAC of thyroid is accurate and has a low rate of false-negatives and false-positives diagnoses and can be adopted and relied upon in evaluating thyroid nodules, thus reducing the rate of unnecessary surgeries, the cost of health care and the risks associated with surgeries, resulting in better outcome of patients care.
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology, Thyroid Masses, Histological Examination
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