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Manufacture of Processed Cheese Spread from Camel Cheese Based: Evaluation of Cheese Characteristics
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2018
Issue 4 (December)
Pages: 76-86   |   Vol. 5, No. 4, December 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 56   Since Jan. 18, 2019 Views: 1308   Since Jan. 18, 2019
El-Sayed Mohamed Abdeen, Animal and Poultry Breeding Department, Desert Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt.
Samah Mohamed Said El-Shafei, Animal and Poultry Breeding Department, Desert Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt.
Salah Ahmed Khalifa, Department of Food Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt.
In this study, an acceptable cheese was produced by blending a camel cheese based (made from camel milk retentate) with Ras cheese. Whole camel milk was concentrated by ultrafiltration, and fermented with yoghurt starter culture and rennet to get the cheese based (camel cheese based). Five experimental processed cheese treatments were prepared to contain 0% (control), 25, 50, 75, and 100% of camel cheese based. Cheese spreads were stored for three months at 5±1°C, and the gross chemical composition, color parameters, meltability, microstructure, and sensory attributes were analyzed. The most preferable trial of processed cheese spreads was obtained through the addition of camel cheese based to Ras cheese with 25 and 50%. The results confirmed that cheese treatment made by the supplementation of camel cheese based at the rate of at least 50% tempted to have hardness texture similar to the control cheese. The substitution of young and aged Ras cheese with camel cheese based caused a further decrease in the meltability. Total color difference values increased with the decrease in the concentration of camel cheese based in cheese samples. Processed cheese spread prepared from camel cheese based (25 and 50%) could be used as an extender in processed cheese spread, but 75 and 100% (camel cheese based) were likely unsuitable due to the coarse mouth feel and the low scores of organoleptic properties.
Camel Milk, Retentate, Cheese Base, Processed Cheese Spreads, Microstructure, Color, Meltability
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