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Assessment of Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae(AFA) Food Supplement Against Cerebral Cortex Neuronal Injury Induced by Gamma Radiation
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2016
Issue 4 (July)
Pages: 81-89   |   Vol. 3, No. 4, July 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 42   Since Jul. 19, 2016 Views: 1581   Since Jul. 19, 2016
Tamer M. M. Abu-Amara, Histology and Cytology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Abdelghany H. Abdelghany, Anatomy& Embryology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandra University, Alexandra, Egypt.
Abd EL Razek A. Meselhy, Anatomy& Embryology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Background: Oxidative stress like that occurs after exposure to radiation is an important factor in the genesis of many pathologies such as cancer, cardiovascular and degenerative diseases. Our nervous system had been found to be affected by oxidative stress. Natural dietary supplements had been proved that they have antioxidants properties that may protect our bodies against the effects of free radicals. For instance, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) is a unique dietary supplement with scientifically demonstrated health-promoting effects especially on the nervous system. AFA grows naturally and is harvested from a natural environment. Aim of the work: Our goal of this work is to study the radio-protective effect of AFA as a natural antioxidant on the cerebral cortex of adult albino rats against the gamma radiation damaging effects. Material and Methods: The present study was carried out on 24 adult albino rats of local strain weighing 120±3 g which were divided equally into Group 1(C, untreated negative control), Group 2 (A, AFA extract treated): rats were exposed to daily oral intake of AFA extract (94.5mg/kg body weight) for one month. Group 3 (I, Irradiated): rats were exposed to irradiation via exposing them to6 Gy delivered as a fractionated doses of gamma radiation (2 Gy each 3 days). Group 4 (I+A, Irradiated+AFA extract treatment) rats were exposed to a combination of irradiation (in the same way like group 3) plus oral intake of AFA extract for one month. Paraffin sections were prepared for histological, histochemical, immunohistochemical and morphometric studies. The data were statistically analyzed. Results: Examined sections showed significant cellular injury in group 3 in comparison to the control groups. Group 4 showed obvious decrease in the pathological changes occurring in comparison with group 2. Conclusion: These results provide evidence that AFA has a radio-protective effect as they reduced the pathological cellular injuries in the cerebral cortex cells induced by accumulated doses of radiation exposure.
Radiation, Brain, AFA, Food Supplement, Histology and Histochemsitry
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