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Review of Chinese Modern Commercial Buildings Fire Protection Design Parameters
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 1 (February)
Pages: 1-6   |   Vol. 3, No. 1, February 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 55   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 2063   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Ran Haichao, Department of Safety Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China.
Sun Lihua, Department of Safety Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China.
Gao Xiaozhi, Department of Safety Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China.
Modern commercial buildings features large internal space, high floor, functional diversity, larger fuel and electricity load and so on, which increases fire hazard and evacuation difficulty.Three typical supermarkets and two comprehensive shopping malls in Shijiazhuang, China, were investigated, and crowd evacuation loads data and fire loads data were obtained based on the investigation. The data could be converted to basic design parameters as the initial crowd density and average fire loads density. The evacuee escape probability-density function based on the initial crowd density was established in this paper. The survey results showed that modern commercial buildings fire load densities obeyed lognormal distribution, and sometimes actual crowd density was larger than the design specification and it has greater change (0.55~1.05 ps.m-2). The crowd evacuation load and the fire load uneven distribution should be paid high attention in fire protection design. "Black house" experimental platform was designed based on investigation results in this paper, in which smoke environment was simulated by mixing 6% acetic acid in smoke generator. Evacuation efficiencies of traditional fire emergency lighting and evacuation indicating system and intelligent evacuation guidance system (IEGS) proposed in this paper were tested and verified in "black house".
Building Intelligent, Fire, Evacuation, Fire Loads Density, Crowd Density, Performance-Based Fire Protection Design
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