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Survey of Energy Efficient & Innovative Data Center Around the World
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2018
Issue 1 (January)
Pages: 17-21   |   Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 35   Since Mar. 24, 2018 Views: 1187   Since Mar. 24, 2018
Navneet Singh, Department of Computer Applications, Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Punjab, India.
Vijay Dhir, Director R&D, Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Punjab, India.
Data centers are known to consume enormous electric power for their own activation and for the creation of ambient environs around them for their efficient working. In this game of power saving without compromising the efficiency/utilitarian aspects we are left with limited options to strike a balance between the two i.e. power consumption and system efficiency. The slogan will be to reduce power keeping the efficiency un-dented. Power guzzlers are also shameful heat emitters and heat saps up system efficiency. To remove heat we need more power so it is sort of vicious circle. A curve on one tends to undermine the performance of the others. Whether we make a data center under the water or on Mars or follow chicken coop design, the aim is to run data center on renewable energy resources with zero carbon emission without compromising on Quality-of-Service. This survey examines top five innovative data center research project around the world.
Data Center, Natick, Google Floating Data Center, Yahoo's Compute Coop, Google’s Interplanetary Data Center
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Award-Winning Innovation In Data Center Cooling Design Oracle’s Utah Compute Facility, Oracle White Paper, Dec. 2014.
Yahoo! Compute Coop Next Generation Passive Cooling Design for Data Centers, INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES PROGRAM, U.S. Department Of Energy Industrial Technologies Program, 2011.
https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2017/03/Google-Cloud-Platform-expands-to-Mars.html accessed on 30-6-2017.
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J. M. Kaplan, W. Forrest, and N. Kindler, “Revolutionizing data center energy efficiency,” Technical Report, available at http://www.mckinsey.com-/clientservice-/bto/pointofview/pdf/-revolutionizing data center efficiency.pdf. Accessed on 25-06-2017.
Singh N., Dhir V., A Literature Review: Efficient Vm Migration Techniques For Energy Reduction In Cloud Computing, International Journal Of Advanced Research In Computer Science, Volume 8, No. 9, November-December 2017.
Dhingra A, Paul S, “Green Cloud Heuristic based BFO Technique to Optimize Resource Allocation”. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2014, pp. 685–691.
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