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Sharing of Tacit Knowledge in Organizations: A Review
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2016
Issue 2 (March)
Pages: 6-19   |   Vol. 3, No. 2, March 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 74   Since Jul. 1, 2016 Views: 1627   Since Jul. 1, 2016
Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Faculty of Business Studies, Premier University, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Knowledge is regarded as a strategic factor in knowledge management implementation. It is mainly divided into two types: tacit and explicit. Tacit knowledge is created in the human mind as individual know-how and can be expressed as innovation. It is unwritten, unspoken and hidden vast storehouse of knowledge of a person. It is obtained as a result of the direct interaction between individuals and their peers in the organization. For the sustainable development of the modern global economy tacit knowledge can play an important role. Acquire and extract of tacit knowledge is not a very easy task, since it is very complex in its nature. The success and well-being of humankind is an essential issue in the twenty first century and use of tacit knowledge makes the job easier. Management of tacit knowledge effectively and efficiently is a key success factor for the organizations. The paper tries to discuss sharing of tacit knowledge for the sustaining of the long-term capabilities and performance in organizations. It analyzes the importance and difficulties of sharing tacit knowledge. This paper also makes an effort to explore the properties and characteristic of tacit knowledge thinking for the new readers.
Explicit and Tacit Knowledge, Knowledge Sharing and Transfer, Polanyi, Nonaka
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