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Design a Hybrid Algorithm for Cloud Computing Security
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2015
Issue 5 (September)
Pages: 38-41   |   Vol. 2, No. 5, September 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 47   Since Sep. 19, 2015 Views: 1860   Since Sep. 19, 2015
Salah Talha Babiker, Department of Computer Engineering, College of Computers & IT, Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia.
Ayman ALI Abdalla ALI, Department of Computer Science, College of Computers & IT, TaIf University, Taif, Saudi Arabia.
Data are at the core of IT security concerns for any organization, whatever the form of infrastructure that is used. Cloud computing does not change this, but cloud computing does bring an added focus because of the distributed nature of the cloud computing infrastructure and the shared responsibilities that it involves. Security considerations apply both to data at rest (held on some form of storage system) and also to data in motion (being transferred over some form of communication link), both of which may need particular consideration when using cloud computing services. Essentially, the questions relating to data for cloud computing are about various forms of risk: risk of theft or unauthorized disclosure of data, risk of tampering or unauthorized modification of data, risk of loss or of unavailability of data. It is also worth remembering that in the case of cloud computing, "data assets" may well include things such as application programs or machine images, which can have the same risk considerations as the contents of databases [1, 2]. Cloud computing provides a framework for supporting end users easily attaching powerful services and applications through Internet. Denial of- Service (DoS) attack or Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) are major security issues in cloud environment. [11, 18] Moreover, we present a distributed architecture for providing intrusion detection in Cloud Computing, which enables Cloud providers to offer security solutions as a service. It is a hierarchical and multi-layer architecture designed to collect information in the Cloud environment, using multiple distributed security components, which can be used to perform complex event correlation analysis.
Cloud, Encryption, Risk and Genetic Algorithm
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