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Isothermal Compressibility of Liquid Alkali Metals
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2019
Issue 2 (April)
Pages: 36-43   |   Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 46   Since May 9, 2019 Views: 1422   Since May 9, 2019
Balasubramanian Ramasamy, Department of Physics, Arignar Anna Government Arts College, Namakkal, India.
Sakthivel Murukaiyan, Department of Physics, Arignar Anna Government Arts College, Namakkal, India.
The isothermal compressibility of liquid alkali metals has been determined on the basis of a generalized van der waals equation of state over a wide range of temperatures from the boiling point to the critical point. With the increase in temperature, the isothermal compressibility of liquid alkali metals is found to increase. In the temperature range from the boiling point to 0.9Tc, the isothermal compressibility of liquid alkali metals has a parabolic dependence on temperature. In the temperature range from 0.9 Tc to Tc, the isothermal compressibility of liquid alkali metals has a linear dependence on temperature with a large positive slope. As the generalized van der Waals equation of state accurately determines the thermophysical properties of alkali metals in wide range of temperature from the boiling point to the critical point, the obtained data on the isothermal compressibility of liquid alkali metals may be considered to be reliable.
Alkali Metals, Isothermal Compressibility, Equation of State
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