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Investigating Electric Conductivity of Talha Gum (Acacia Seyal), Hashab Gum (Acacia Senegal) and Their Blending Mixtures, Sudan
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2019
Issue 2 (April)
Pages: 25-29   |   Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 32   Since Apr. 26, 2019 Views: 1291   Since Apr. 26, 2019
Elhadi Mohamed Ibrahim Elzain, Institute of Gum Arabic Research and Desertification Studies (IGARDS), University of Kordofan, El-Obeid, Sudan.
Binaat Grib Mastuor Ahmed, Institute of Gum Arabic Research and Desertification Studies (IGARDS), University of Kordofan, El-Obeid, Sudan.
The study aimed to reveal whether gum Talha (GT), gum Hashab (GH), and their blending mixtures could have electric conductivity (EC). It is also aimed to know the effect of temperature and added electrolyte (NaCl) on their conductivities. Samples were collected directly from the field. One pound of each sample was collected by random sampling techniques. Primarily tests for moisture content, pH, ash, optical rotation were conducted to assure the specification of gum type. Ten different concentrations 0.5 – 5.0% were prepared from each sample. The EC were recorded by conduct-meter. The results were analyzed by Excel program and explained by tables and figures. The total dissolved salts (TDS) for GT and GH were also calculated. GT gave EC in the range of (0.06-0.86ϻs), and GH in the range of (0.10-0.96ϻs) for the chosen concentrations. The results showed that the maximum EC is reached when the concentration of gum solution is about 3%. The EC decreases with increasing concentrations, therefore this 3% concentration is recommended as an optimum for any further EC studies. The relationship between conducting property and temperature was also investigated, using the concentration of 3%. GTand GH gave EC values in the range of (0.12 - 1.10 ϻs) and (0.06 - 1.31ϻs) respectively. The relation between conducting property and the concentrations of 1.0- 9.0 mls of electrolyte (NaCl) of stock concentration 0.1M, had been added to 3% gum sample solutions, to have total volumes adjusted to 10 ml. GT gave EC values (0.06-1.51ϻs) and GH gave EC values (0.10-1.72ϻs). The study revealed that, GT is less conducting than GH, and also confirmed that, there is linear relationship between EC and the amount of TDS. The study also showed that, the EC increases with increasing the temperature, or adding the electrolyte (NaCl). The study also confirmed that, the conducting properties for either GT or GH could be increased by mixing with 10%fromthe other gum, as minimum.
Gum Arabic, Electric Conductivity, Acacia Seyal, Acacia Senegal, Gum Talha, Gum Hashab, Blending Mixture
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