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Work Actualizers of the Faculty at Midlife
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2018
Issue 4 (July)
Pages: 45-53   |   Vol. 5, No. 4, July 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 46   Since Aug. 31, 2018 Views: 1304   Since Aug. 31, 2018
Galvin Alaan Galeon, Graduate School Department, Cebu Doctor’s University, Mandaue City, Philippines; Allied Sciences Department, University of Cebu-Banilad Campus, Cebu City, Philippines; Center for Behavioral Sciences, Psychological Services Unit, Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center, Cebu City, Philippines.
Midlife may be considered a time for introspection. It is a period in life when midlifers looked into what they had accomplished so far and yet to achieve in lifetime. It could be a moment to pause and ponder what hinders or keeps them moving in their chosen endeavor in life. At work, they might examine what served as their motivators or actualizers that kept them going in their career. Teaching is said to be challenging yet a fulfilling profession. This study therefore, focused on exploring the work actualizers of the faculty at midlife. This study utilized a phenomenological case study method. The data were collected using in depth face-to-face interviews (FFI) among 18 participants who were purposely selected from the population of faculty midlifers. Data garnered through the FFI were collated, transcribed and coded to find out their themes and meanings. It was found out that encounter with students and a supportive, family-like working environment inspire midlifers in their teaching career. As teachers, they also feel generative for having contributed to the success and transformation of their students. This sense of support from their working place and feeling of generativity function as buffers against stressors that come along their way towards a gratifying teaching career.
Faculty at Midlife, Filipino Teachers, Midlife, Work Motivators
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