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Common Stressors and Coping Responses of Personnel in the Academe
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2018
Issue 2 (March)
Pages: 17-23   |   Vol. 5, No. 2, March 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 44   Since Aug. 5, 2018 Views: 1113   Since Aug. 5, 2018
Shirley D. Frigillano, Faculty, Teacher Education Department, Iloilo Science and Technology University Miagao Campus, Miagao, Iloilo Philippines.
Joel M. Ferolino, Faculty, Information Technology Department, Iloilo Science and Technology University Miagao Campus, Miagao, Iloilo Philippines.
This descriptive study determined the common stressors and coping responses of personnel in the academe identified using purposive sampling. A validated researcher-made questionnaire was utilized in gathering data for the study. Mean, standard deviation, and frequency count were used as statistical tools. Results revealed that health was the common stressor of the respondents, especially of the female, the single, and those in the bracket of 16 and below years of service. Married ones experienced financial stressor, while male, 16-31 year old respondents, in long years of service, and widow had personal concerns as stressor. Respondents focused more on solutions rather than on the problems themselves (solution- based coping). The male and female coped with their problems by restructuring their thoughts, thinking positive, and facing the problems with humor (appraisal-based coping). The study recommends that personnel working in the academe need to check and improve their health and eating lifestyle. Health agencies may hold activities that improve health conditions of the working personnel. Seminar-workshops on coping with health stressors may be conducted for personnel in the academe. Follow-up study may be conducted to enhance the validity of the current findings.
Stressors, Coping, Responses, Personnel, Academe
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