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Opinion Leadership Influence on the Audiovisual Consumption in a Group of Families
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2015
Issue 3 (May)
Pages: 15-19   |   Vol. 2, No. 3, May 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 36   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 1582   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Monica Guillen Del Campo, Center for Social Research, Havane, Cuba.
Introduction: the family is the first community ownership of television content; this is a space of "negotiation" between the audience and the screen, but at the same time among the various members of the family in relation to the TV. In the family there is usually a given power structure that influences decisions in front of the TV, hence crucially mediating how those in the family decide. That is, there are configured opinion leaders, and in this connection, in how the family solves these conflicts they are also mediators. Method: the method of the survey and semi-structured interview was used. The phenomenon of leadership was explored mainly through individual interviews with family members. Objective: to characterize the influence of opinion leadership in the audiovisual consumption by members of a group of Cuban families. Results: We found that TV is the medium most consumed in households, which is backed by multiple studies. The phenomenon of opinion leadership can be identified mainly in the night time slot in which the different families agree to consume. In most families the "mother-wife" is the one who often plays the role of opinion leader in the family.
Family, Thought Leadership, Audiovisual Consumption, Television, Mediation
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