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Atmospheric Pollutant Dispersion and Congenital Malformation: Artificial Neural Networks Modelling
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2017
Issue 2 (March)
Pages: 28-32   |   Vol. 4, No. 2, March 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 23   Since Apr. 27, 2018 Views: 1127   Since Apr. 27, 2018
Allag Fateh, Department of Mechanic, Optic and Mechanic Precision Institute, Ferhat Abbas Setif1 University, Setif, Algeria.
Belmahdi Miloud, Department of Mechanic, Optic and Mechanic Precision Institute, Ferhat Abbas Setif1 University, Setif, Algeria.
Zegadi Rabah, Department of Mechanic, Optic and Mechanic Precision Institute, Ferhat Abbas Setif1 University, Setif, Algeria.
Bouharati Khaoula, Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of medicine, Ferhat Abbas Setif1 University, Setif, Algeria.
Tedjar Lamri, Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of medicine, Ferhat Abbas Setif1 University, Setif, Algeria.
Bouharati Saddek, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Technology, Ferhat Abbas Setif1 University, Setif, Algeria.
The quality of air we breathe every day is essential to a healthy lifestyle. Maternal during pregnancy and anthropometric measures at birth in an Ain El-Kebira area in Algeria exposure to air pollution has been related to fetal growth in a number of recent scientific studies. The objective of this study was to assess the association between exposure to air pollution (36°36' N and 5°5' E). The accumulated evidence indicates that children's health is adversely affected by air pollution levels currently. Outcome variables were birth weight, length, and head circumference, along with being small for gestational age. The association between exposure to residential outdoor NO2 and outcomes was assessed controlling for potential confounders and examining the shape of the relationship. In view of the fact that data sets of atmospheric pollution are very complex and uncertain, we propose that a form of artificial neural networks needs to be adopted. This will help to create a reasoned approach to determine an air pollution effect. That will permit regulatory bodies to set effect of air pollution and assist authorities of manufacturers like a pollution sources in developing a prevent regulation of atmospheric pollutants. The initial data used are measured variables (birth weight, birth length and head circumference of newborns at different distances and different directions from pollution sources cement Manufacturing, wind speed, and months during last decade). The number of cases is considered as an output. The air pollution effect on newborns system is based on artificial neural network. It is designed for measurement of different parameters like weight, height and head circumference of newborns in different area in front of pollution source and in its opposite at different period before and after installing the filter at the plant as a source of pollution.
Wind Dispersion, Air Pollution, Newborns, ANN, Artificial Intelligence
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