To the Question of Modernization of Turntables Two-Axis Tractor Trailers
Slivinsky Evgeni, Agricultural Institute, Yelets state university of I. A. Bunin, Yelets, Russia.
The materials concerning development of perspective designs of turntables of the increased reliability at the expense of possibility of an exception of a disconnect of their rings from each other in operational conditions are reflected in the presented article. Settlement schemes are developed and analytical researches of fluctuations and power loading of element base and constructional elements of the upgraded turntables created at the level of the inventions which allowed to prove their key rational geometrical parameters are conducted. Development is recommended, both domestic, and to foreign research and industrial structures in the field of tractor and automobile mechanical engineering for the purpose of their further studying and possible introduction in practice.
The Trailer, The Tractor, Driving Rod, The Dolly Cart, The Turntable, The Directing Ring, Rigidity, Deformation, A Locking Ring
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