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Inhibition Studies of RNase a in Invitro Condition by Drug Metosartan
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2018
Issue 4 (August)
Pages: 34-38   |   Vol. 6, No. 4, August 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 20   Since Sep. 3, 2018 Views: 1025   Since Sep. 3, 2018
Eswari Beeram, Department of Biochemistry, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India.
RNase A is majorly involved in efficient cleavage of single-stranded RNA, double-stranded RNA and double-stranded RNA-DNA hybrids, digestion of dietary RNA, regulation of vascular homeostasis, inactivation of the HIV, activation of immature dendritic cells and induction of cytokine production; and furthermore shows potential as an anti-tumor agent. So, identification of potent inhibitors of the enzyme is necessary for better understanding of deviation in gene regulation. In this study metosartan inhibitory effect on RNase A was studied by simple technique UV- Visible spectroscopy and the A260/280 ratio was calculated to know the potentiality of drug on enzyme which is shown as degradation of RNA. Proteinase K along with SDS and EDTA was used to stop the reaction. Drug metosartan inhibits RNase A exactly between 3rd and 4th hr and the enzyme regains its activity after 4th hr. However the drug effect on RNase A in invivo condition was not studied and from the reports up to now it can be use as inhibitor of RNase A in biological preparations and also as cancer therapeutic drug as it causes apoptosis in normal tissues.
Proteinase K, EDTA, Metosartan, Telmisartan and Metoprolol
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