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On Fractional Governing Equations of Spherical Particles Settling in Water
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2017
Issue 6 (November)
Pages: 105-109   |   Vol. 4, No. 6, November 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 62   Since Nov. 6, 2017 Views: 1188   Since Nov. 6, 2017
Kamran Ayub, Department of Mathematics, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
M. Yaqub Khan, Department of Mathematics, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Qazi Mahmood Ul-Hassan, Department of Mathematics, University of Wah, Wah Cantt., Pakistan.
Memmona Yaqub, Department of Mathematics, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
This paper shows a structure to get the result to the uneven settle actions of few solid spherical particles declining in water as a Newtonian fluid by homotopy analysis method. The partial derivative is described in Modified Riemann liouville sense. This method performs very well in competence. Numerical results explain the whole consistency in used algorithm.
Homotopy Analysis Method, Spherical Particles, Drag Coefficient, Fractional Calculus, Sedimentation Phenomenon, Modified Riemann-Liouville Fractional Derivative
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