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Paper Currency Sorter with Fingerprint Access Protection for Ethiopian Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2017
Issue 2 (April)
Pages: 10-15   |   Vol. 4, No. 2, April 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 62   Since Feb. 2, 2018 Views: 1103   Since Feb. 2, 2018
Mary Charlemaine Angderson Abas, Department of Electrical and Electronics Technology, Federal Technological Institute – University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Patrick Dela Corte Cerna, Department of Information and Communication Technology, Federal Technological Institute – University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Money is a non-negotiable, indispensable commodity in every person’s life. The possession of money in itself is a resource and the usage of it can help acquire resources. Most of the things we use daily have monetary value, whether directly or indirectly. In Ethiopia, small and medium enterprises (SME) usually use a paper currency counter to put all of the money they have earned and received that is not in order and usually will cost a lot of time to organize. However, there has been a lot of challenges occurred in SME’s in sorting paper currency. Usually, SME owners experience during difficult times whenever there are many people gathering around their store to buy anything. The proposed design and implementation create an automated safekeeping machine, which acts as Paper Currency Sorter with Fingerprint Access Protection for Ethiopian SME’s. It will help them lessen their worries every time that the store will be jam-packed with customer. Since it is operated automatically, everything can be done smoothly and will definitely make them worry-free from any thieves because it has a special feature of registering your own fingerprint for access protection. This study will sort out money paper currency according to its color (value). It will also have a safety lock that can only determine the fingerprint of the owner. The study considers banknotes that are currently functional, i.e., 1 Birr, 5 Birr, 10 Birr, 50 Birr and 100 Birr. This design is strictly for sorting money and safekeeping. This design is not a fast paced sorter, and its precision is not perfect when it comes to the last paper bill to be sorted. The device will receive an error if the wrong value of money is sensed at the color sensor.
Color Sensor, Arduino, Paper Notes, SME, Ethiopia
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