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Wire Survival Test of Crowbar Less, High Voltage DC, Klystron Bias Power Supply
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2017
Issue 1 (February)
Pages: 1-9   |   Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 59   Since Sep. 24, 2017 Views: 1500   Since Sep. 24, 2017
Akhilesh Tripathi, Department of Atomic Energy, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India.
Manmath Kumar Badapanda, Department of Atomic Energy, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India.
Rinki Upadhyay, Department of Atomic Energy, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India.
Mahendra Lad, Department of Atomic Energy, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India.
A solid state modular -100 kV, 25 A crowbar less DC power supply is utilized for biasing the Thales make, 1 MW, 352.2 MHz, TH 2089 klystron amplifier. The klystron amplifier is susceptible to high voltage arcing because of the presence of strong electric field between its cathode and body and energy dumped during such arcing should be less than arc energy handling capacity of this klystron amplifier, otherwise irreparable damage may occur. The developed -100 kV, 25 A DC power supply has very little capacitance (10 nF) at its output due to which its stored energy is significantly reduced. Wire survival test is carried out on this power supply to ensure that stored energy contained in it is less than 20 Joule so that it can be used to bias TH 2089 klystron amplifier without requiring any crowbar. The fusing action of the power supply is measured to be 1.46 A2Sec which is less than fusing action tolerated by TH 2089 klystron amplifier. The power supply is capable of switching off its output within 2 µs in the event of arcing in the klystron amplifier. The paper describes the conduction of wire survival test along with the method of selection of proper test wire that can be used for this test. Various results obtained from these wire survival tests are presented in this paper.
Klystron Amplifier, Wire Survival Test, Beam Power Supply, Stored Energy, Fusing Action
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