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Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Timetable System for Higher Education Institutions
Current Issue
Volume 7, 2021
Issue 1 (January)
Pages: 1-13   |   Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2021   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 53   Since Mar. 4, 2021 Views: 953   Since Mar. 4, 2021
Henry Techie-Menson, ICT Education Department, University of Education Winneba, Winneba, Ghana.
Paul Nyagorme, Mathematics and Science Department, CODE University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana.
Timetabling concerns sets of activities geared towards the production of a timetable that must be open to various constraints. A timetable for higher education institution timetable refers to a temporary structure of a lecture series and lecture halls or classrooms where all presented constraints are met or satisfied. Currently, several administrative activities and services for higher educational institutions have been automated with the neglect of timetable for lecturing because of the challenges associated with its automation. Over the years, consultations with stakeholders such as students and staff in departments, faculty lasting several weeks coupled with adjustments due to feedback has characterized the timetable preparation process. The processes and procedure involved in creating timetables of such nature in a manual way is regarded as demanding, complex and time-consuming process. A computer assisted timetable generator is a time saver for administrators tasked with the job of course and timetable creation and management. Because every organization has its own timetabling dilemma, the software programs that are available on the market may not meet the needs of every organization. Therefore, a realistic approach to building a timetabling program for lecture courses must be created, which can be tailored to suit any problem with higher education timetabling. Due to the need for flexibility, adaptability to future requirements, and the possibility of producing the deliverables within a limited time frame to address the stated challenges, the Rapid Application Development (RAD) software development model was used. This project aims to produce a practically oriented timetable algorithm capable of addressing the challenges posed by weak and strong constraints in an automated timetable package.
Academic Timetable, Academic Scheduling, Web-based Timetable
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