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The Need for Entrepreneurial Education for Geography Undergraduates in Nigeria’s Universities
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 6 (December)
Pages: 52-57   |   Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 30   Since Jan. 5, 2016 Views: 1521   Since Jan. 5, 2016
Innocent Emerenini Opara, Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Social Science Education, Federal University of Education, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
This paper attempts to establish and emphasize the significance and imperatives of entrepreneurial education for geography undergraduates in Nigeria’s universities. This is against the backdrop of dwindling or attenuating employment opportunities and attendant underemployment of geography graduates in the country. The objectives and concepts of entrepreneurial education and geography are well articulated. The paper is of the view that the current nature of geography itself especially the way in which it appears to be moving into well-defined cognate disciplines that scholars in these cognate disciplines have started to question the competence of geographers is at the heart of high unemployment of geography undergraduates in Nigeria. The paper concludes that entrepreneurial education should be embedded into the geography curriculum and made compulsory for geography undergraduates to assist in raising their entrepreneurial skills, enhancing their entrepreneurial spirit, and making them to be self-reliant/self-employed. To realize this, the paper recommends among others, the need to commence training for lecturers in entrepreneurial education who would be training these geography undergraduates and the development of entrepreneurial education curriculum for the geography undergraduates.
Geography, Entrepreneurial Education, Geography Undergraduates, University
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