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Pure Spin Current and Negative Differential Resistance in Born Nitride Nanoribbon Induced by Oxygen Doping
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2017
Issue 1 (January)
Pages: 1-5   |   Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 72   Since Aug. 23, 2017 Views: 1332   Since Aug. 23, 2017
Jianbao Wu, College of Fundamental Studies, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China.
Boron nitrogen nanoribbon (BNNR) is semiconductor, doping is an important way to change the size of its bandgap. In this paper, oxygen doping armchair and zigzag BNNR (aBNNR and zBNNR) were studied by density functional and non - equilibrium Green 's function method. The substitution of nitrogen atoms by the oxygen atom in the BNNR introduces impurity state between the bandgap of the BNNRs. The impurity state is spin-splitting completely, and the system behaves ferromagnetic with 1μB per supercell. The dispersive of impurity band introduced by Oxygen doping is very small, so it shows a strong localization. Considering the transport properties of oxygen-doped boron-nitrogen nanotubes, armchair type and zigzag type are different. For the aBNNR, pure spin current appears in the symmetrical range of positive and negative voltage, the peak of current is 32 μA, and the negative differential resistance is shown simultaneously. For the zBNNR, the positive and negative voltage interval is no longer symmetrical, the peak current is only 2.0 μA. BNNR doped by oxygen have unique electronic structures and transport properties, so which provide more option for optoelectronic and spintronic devices.
Boron Nitrogen Nanoribbon (BNNR), Doping, Negative Differential Resistance (NDR)
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