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Hydrogeological Evaluations of Shallow Alluvial Aquifers of the Catchment Flood Plains of River Gbako around Baddegi Central Bida Basin, Nigeria
Current Issue
Volume 7, 2019
Issue 2 (June)
Pages: 36-44   |   Vol. 7, No. 2, June 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 36   Since Aug. 22, 2019 Views: 909   Since Aug. 22, 2019
Sidi Aliyu Ahmed, Department of Geology and Mining, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Nigeria.
Field hydrogeological mapping of the catchment floodplains of river Gbako was carried out. The results shows average water level in wells is 6.1 m below ground surface, average wells depth is 8.8 m and average water column in the wells is 2.7 m. The shallow Alluvial Aquifers in this catchment area are been exploited for groundwater and they are mainly recharged by precipitation and Rivers Gbako and Mussa. Groundwater flow in the area is along two divides, the most important is in the middle parts which has higher hydraulic head and indicates a discharge zone. Groundwater also flows from the middle area to western and eastern part of the catchment. Hydraulic conductivity of the sediments estimated from grain size distribution after mechanical sieves using empirical formula (K = C (d10)2) shows average permeability of 4.3m/day. Field geological mapping of the catchment show the alluvial sediments of River Gbako flood plains around Baddegi. The alluvial sediments extend up to 3km2 from both sides of the Gbako River bank which signifies the active flood plains in the area. Textural characteristics of the sediments sampled from four pits dug in the catchment shows medium grained brownish to yellowish colour with iron concretions in some of the exposed strata.
Groundwater, Sieve Analysis, Porosity, Permeability, Floodplains
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