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Climatic Impact Assessment of Grasscutter (Thryonomis swinderianus - Temminck 1872) Under Captive Rearing
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2016
Issue 2 (December)
Pages: 5-10   |   Vol. 4, No. 2, December 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 63   Since Oct. 28, 2016 Views: 1648   Since Oct. 28, 2016
Akinyemi I. G., Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Jericho Hills, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Akinyemi G. O., Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Jericho Hills, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Sorungbe M. F., Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Jericho Hills, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Olukoya A. E., Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Jericho Hills, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Amoo V., Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Jericho Hills, Ibadan, Nigeria.
The significant role of animal production and its utilization in the economics of any society cannot be over emphasized. An animal adaptation, survival and productivity are no doubt influenced by climate and weather. Three categories of grasscutters: the adults, sub-adults and weaners, were selected to assess climatic impact under captive rearing. The relative humidity of the housing units was highest in unit Awiththepeak values of 96% and 98% recorded in the months of July and August, respectively. The ambient temperature of the units was highest in B within the six months of study and the month of March recorded the highest with 37°C. Also, the body temperature of male weaners was the highest recorded. Advance weather conditions if not well managed brings about heat stress, increased spread of wildlife diseases, parasites, and zoonoses. Analyzing for the effect of climate on animal production and how animals respond during extreme weather events, through data collection, monitoring and research will help in knowing possible effects of global change as extreme events are expected to increase their frequency and severity. This analysis can also be used to examine the dependency between the weather and disorders. To achieve success, improve production and efficiency particularly in the tropics, there is a need to follow a rational approach. The microclimate of the housing unit and the environment was effectively modified to alterand/reduce the adverse effects of factors like: temperature and/or emissivity of the surroundings; air temperature; air velocity; air vapour pressure; radiation or shade factors; and conductivity of surfaces that animals might contact.
Grasscutter, Climate, Temperature, Holding Cages
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