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Birefringence of ZnP2-D48 and Characteristics of Ме-ZnP2 Diodes
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 2 (April)
Pages: 26-37   |   Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 22   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 1903   Since Aug. 28, 2015
I. G. Stamov, Department of Physics, T. G. Shevchenko State University of Pridnestrovie, Tiraspol, Republic of Moldova.
N. N. Syrbu, Department of Telecommunications, Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
L. Nemerenco, Department of Telecommunications, Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
V. Zalamai, Laboratory of Photovoltaic and Photonics, Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
Spatial dispersion in ZnP2-D48 has been studied. The spectral dependences of the refractive index nс (Е||с, k||a), nа (Е||а, k||с) and nb (E||b, k||c) had been determined. ZnP2-D48 crystals are isotropic at λо=612nm wavelength, in case of crossed polarizators a transmittance maximum is observed. It was shown that the dispersion is positive nc(Е||с,k||a), nа (Е||а,k||с) > nb(E||b,k||c) in λ>λ0 region, the dispersion is negative nс (Е||с,k||a) at λ<λ0, and n=nс –nb =0 at λ=λ0. The LIV characteristics of Me- ZnP2-D48 diodes had been studied at different temperatures, the temperature dependences of the “imperfection” factor δ for different Schottky barriers. Capacitance voltage characteristics of Ме- ZnP2-D48 photodiodes obtained by electrochemical deposition of metal and by thermo-chemical spraying in vacuum had been studied. The dependence of diffusion potential ФВ on the work function of the metal ξm(С) has been revealed. The influence of birefringence and gyration on spectral characteristics of p-n photodiodes and Schottky diodes had been revealed. The ability of controlling photodiodes’ characteristics was obtained using the gyration particularities in ZnP2-D48 crystals.
Semiconductor Compound, Optical Absorption and Reflection Spectra, Optical Constants, Capacitance Voltage Characteristics, Schottky Barrier, Photodiodes
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