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Indicators of Human Rights Certification as Instrument of Public Examination of Human Rights Implementation by Local Authorities in Ukraine
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2018
Issue 3 (September)
Pages: 100-110   |   Vol. 5, No. 3, September 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 44   Since Jul. 25, 2018 Views: 1394   Since Jul. 25, 2018
Andrii Halai, Department of Constitutional, Administrative & Financial Law, Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil, Ukraine; Analytical Department, NGO "Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union", Kyiv, Ukraine.
Oleh Martynenko, Analytical Department, NGO "Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union", Kyiv, Ukraine.
Arkadiy Buschenko, Criminal Court of Cassation, Ukrainian Supreme Court, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Valeriya Lutkovska, Former Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Kyiv, Ukraine.
The article highlights the results of the annual work of the project team on the formation and practical implementation of the system of measuring the index of human rights implementation at the local level. The article's findings suggest the international community a fundamentally new product in the field of civil control over the activities of local authorities - a mechanism for the human rights certification of the regions, which was tested in Ukraine. Its working version is the result of the joint diligent work of the UHHRU, the Office of the Ombudsman of Ukraine, human rights activists, the international expert environment. The developed mechanism allows assessing the activities of local authorities in the field of human rights protection through a flexible system of objective indicators. The developers took into account the reform of decentralization, which is taking place in Ukraine since 2015. Previously the high centralization of state power in Ukraine contributed to the approval of such a view. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, bodies of local self-government can provide both as a violation of human rights and prevention of such violations. The reform of decentralization further enhances the role of local self-government in respect for human rights. Therefore, the current focus of the activities of non-governmental organizations is gradually becoming the so-called "landing" of human rights to the level of local communities, with the goal that human rights have become a valuable basis for building a relationship at the local level. This means that the responsibility of local authorities towards communities will be increased, and communities, in turn, will participate in monitoring the activities of local self-government in terms of observance of human rights. In pursuit of such a challenge, the research goal of the authors was determined - to propose a tool for assessing the quality of activities of local authorities in the state, based on criteria of approaches to the realization of human rights. The following steps were taken in this article: the original classification of human rights, which takes into account the approaches of international organizations and based on "human rights certification of the regions" has been selected; practical algorithm for the search and evaluation of all human rights groups in the activities of local authorities was provided; the mechanism of interaction with the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights in monitoring human rights was worked out.
Human Rights, Local Executive Bodies, Local Self-Government, Ukraine
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