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When Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Integrate Supply Chain Plans with Government: An Enviable Silent Blue Print at Trōcaire Rwanda
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2018
Issue 3 (September)
Pages: 75-83   |   Vol. 5, No. 3, September 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 26   Since Jul. 24, 2018 Views: 1160   Since Jul. 24, 2018
Alex Nduhura, School of Business and Management, Uganda Management Institute, Kampala, Uganda.
Christopher Mayanja, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Department, Uganda Management Institute, Kampala, Uganda.
Lukamba-Muhiya Tshombe, School of Basic Sciences, North West University, Vandergilpark, South Africa.
Benedict Mugerwa, School of Business and Management, Uganda Management Institute, Kampala, Uganda.
Paul Wanume, School of Business and Management, Uganda Management Institute, Kampala, Uganda.
Henry Bagambe, School of Business and Management, Uganda Management Institute, Kampala, Uganda.
This paper explores the genesis of relationships between NGOs and government in the context of delivery of public services that is conceptualized as a supply chain. Existing research reveals that traditionally the relationships between governments and NGOs has been dominated by adversarialism, denying citizens the value that would be retrieved from public service supply chains if the two actors worked in partnership. Based on interviews, focus group discussion and review of documents, the study finds that despite the traditional state of relationships between NGOs and government, a new trend is emerging. This is enabling citizens to achieve more in the public service supply chains in developing countries such as Rwanda. The outcome of this paper points to the fact that government and NGOs should model partnerships to deliver public services that cause impact on citizens welfare. This paper is relevant as it proposes a new kind of partnership that enables citizens to achieve extra out of public service delivery supply chains amidst increasing financial difficulty for government to deliver public services on their own.
Non-Governmental Organizations, Government Partnership, Public Service Delivery, Supply Chains
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