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Design of New Simple Supply Chain Software for Enhance Business Process Company Acceleration Through Lean Six Sigma Analysis
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2017
Issue 4 (August)
Pages: 38-44   |   Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 71   Since Aug. 31, 2017 Views: 1500   Since Aug. 31, 2017
Zahidi Putra, Program Study of Management Logistics Electronics Industry, Polytechnic APP, Ministry Industry, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Parulian Leonard, Program Study of Management Industrial Engineering, Polytechnic STMI, Ministry Industry, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Maryadi Tirtana, Program Study of Management Logistics Electronics Industry, Polytechnic APP, Ministry Industry, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Nowadays, in Manufacturing sector an industry has to look to the various demands made by its consumers, whether it produces consumer goods or the machine tools. Smaller lot sizes, increased product flexibility, higher product quality, decreased delivery time, and smaller profit margins are typical of the ambitious goals in many such organizations. The objective of research is to obtain an improvement in each supply chain lines organization performance in order to achieve maximum production and increase added value for customers. In this research shown the largest of waste activities output which is come from in one of lines supply chain organization that obtain from the calculation of value sigma. Waste activities means not achieve production and customer satisfaction that deliver from company. Outcomes from the research have point out that the activities which classified as “Business Value Added (BVA)” has potential to time reduction, therefore excessive time left will be optimized for Value Added (VA) activity. Analysis of the Company's current processes using conventional process through manual forms obtained the smallest sigma values find in the logistics department with value 1.2 sigma and 617.911 DPMO (Defect Per Million Opportunity). New simple supply chain software with bases ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) has been created and installed in each lines of department, this software is quite easy adopted for company and helpful to speed up transfer management information, which includes the collection, processing, delivery and the spread of information according to a particular procedure. After implementation of new systems using new software, the improvement of sigma value in the logistics division improves to 5.5 sigma and 26 DPMO.
Supply Chain, Lean Service, Time Table Analysis, Six Sigma, ERP
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