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The Visual Sense of Taste – A Tasty Version of Artificial Neural Networks
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2016
Issue 1 (February)
Pages: 1-5   |   Vol. 3, No. 1, February 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 58   Since Jun. 2, 2016 Views: 1795   Since Jun. 2, 2016
Sudheer Gonuguntla, Industrial Management, Texas A&M University, Kingsville, Texas, US.
The sensation for taste is considered as one of the vital senses of the five senses available in the human body as it nourishes both body and soul of a human. The development of artificial intelligence indicates the improved smartness of a machine to learn and exhibit the same intelligence like humans do. Since many years scientist have been successful in conducting research and development of artificial machines that are inspired from the functions of sensory organs of a human body, thus gadgets or machines that help disabled to perceive the sense of sight, hear and touch were developed and marketed but scientists and techies found it hard to mirror the function of human sense of taste to a machine. This paper describes the capability of a machine to learn the science of taste. Through continuous research work done Japanese scientists were successful in developing an artificial taste sensing system that work like a human tongue. This paper contains the methodology implemented by the artificial sensing systems to sense taste and how it works on artificial neural network principles. The taste sensing systems are efficient of sensing all types of tastes and implemented in many food and other industries. This paper also reviews the result of implementation of taste sensing systems and its application in many types of industries. The main idea behind this paper is to visually sense the tastes of all kinds of food products.
Sense of Taste, Artificial Machines, Mimic Sense, Taste Sensing Systems, Artificial Neural Networks
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