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Effect of Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction and Commitment in Iran Auto Industry
Current Issue
Volume 1, 2014
Issue 5 (October)
Pages: 52-56   |   Vol. 1, No. 5, October 2014   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 546   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 4183   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Zahra Ehsani, Faculty of Management, Universiti Technologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
Mohammad Hossein Ehsani, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Khatam University, Tehran, Iran.
Iran’s auto industry is the second largest industry in Iran after oil and gas. Currently, Iran’s auto industry is the 12th largest industry in the world and the largest in the Middle-East. This indicates the important potential of Iran auto industry. Industry success is dependent on customers’ satisfaction and commitment. Marketing academicians and industry executives considered customers’ satisfaction and commitment as an organizational valuable asset. Commonly, researchers are agreed that satisfaction and commitment are the main issues for creating and maintaining relationships with customers. This paper aims to examine which factors influence customers’ satisfaction and customers’ commitment in Iran’s auto industry. A conceptual model of satisfaction and commitment in Iran’s auto industry is proposed in which quality and price of product affect satisfaction and commitment through the mediating role of relationship quality. This conceptual model may provide great perspective for Iranian researchers in the field of marketing.
Iran Auto Industry, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Commitment, Quality, Price
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