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Grass Fire: Outbreak of the Social Protest, Its Operation Style and the Results Observed in the Short Term
Current Issue
Volume 1, 2013
Issue 1 (December)
Pages: 1-12   |   Vol. 1, No. 1, December 2013   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 26   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 1976   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Yair Amram, Ashkelon Academic College and Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
In recent years we have witnessed outbreaks of social protests in the Middle East. A social justice protest of the middle class began in Tel Aviv in the summer of 2011, marked by a style and strategy of nonviolence. The protest grew and came to involve a socioeconomically weaker population. Another significant social protest in Israel occurred in 1971, in Jerusalem, led by the Israeli Black Panther group, who protested social deprivation. Both social protests were fueled by an outcry for social justice; both gained the public’s attention, as well as a response from the government. In this article, I will compare different dimensions of these two protest cycles using the methodology of Historical Comparative Analysis. I found that both protests were able to raise public awareness of the issues and their agenda for change. I further found that the Black Panther protest created significant change in social policy that lasted approximately twenty years. On the other hand, the 2011 social justice protest did not gain significant results in welfare policy in the short term.
Protest, Social Protest, Social Justice, Social Change, Welfare Policy, Social Movements, Social Deprivation
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