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Professional Qualification of Teachers in Teaching and Learning of Social Studies Concepts in the Senior High Schools in Ghana
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2018
Issue 2 (June)
Pages: 25-28   |   Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 17   Since Jul. 5, 2018 Views: 1060   Since Jul. 5, 2018
Anthony Bordoh, Department of Arts and Social Sciences, Enchi College of Education, Enchi, Ghana.
Isaac Eshun, Department of Social Studies, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.
Patrick Kwarteng, Department of Arts and Social Sciences, Wiawso College of Education, Sefwi Wiawso, Ghana.
Shani Osman, Department of Arts and Social Sciences, Tumu College of Education, Tumu, Ghana.
Emmanuel Brew, Department of Arts and Social Sciences, Enchi College of Education, Enchi, Ghana.
Abu Bakar, Department of Education, Enchi College of Education, Enchi, Ghana.
The Social Studies Syllabus for Ghanaian Senior High Schools is replete with concepts that are taught and learnt. Sometimes the calibre of teachers who teach the subject and their attitude towards the teaching and learning of the subject hamper grasping of the concepts that are presented in the Social Studies lessons. There is therefore the need to conduct a study into professional qualification of teachers in teaching and learning of Social Studies concepts in the Senior High Schools in Ghana. Non-probability sampling method (purpose and convenience sampling technique) was used to select the district, Senior High Schools and respondents for the study. Population for this study consist of all ten (10) Social Studies teachers in three public Senior High Schools in Sefwi Wiawso District in the Western Region of Ghana. Data collection was done through the administration of interview and analyses were done by the use of descriptive and interpretive techniques based on the themes arrived at in the data collection. Social Studies is an integrated discipline which is full of concepts which required a resourceful teacher to handle it. It is recommended that frequent seminars and periodic or regular in-service training should be organised by the Ghana Education Service to help Social Studies teachers to acquaint themselves with the modern teaching techniques and strategies that promote the teaching and learning of Social Studies concepts.
Social Studies, Social Studies Concepts, Concepts, Qualification, Professional, Senior High School, Ghana
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