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Education and Health Status of Child Beggars in Sylhet City, Bangladesh
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2016
Issue 5 (October)
Pages: 58-66   |   Vol. 4, No. 5, October 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 122   Since Aug. 25, 2016 Views: 1700   Since Aug. 25, 2016
Tanwne Sarker, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Rana Roy, Department of Agroforestry and Environmental Science, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Mitu Chowdhury, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Rupa Sarker, Department of English, Anandamohan College, Mymensing, Bangladesh.
Khadeza Yasmin, Department of Soil Science, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
The study was carried out to investigate the Education and Health Status of Child Beggars in Sylhet City. In this study, total numbers of 90 child beggars were interviewed. Data was collected by well-organized questionnaire and using interview schedule and face-to-face interviewed from the respondents. Simple random sampling techniques were used. Various socio-economic and demographics variables were considered at the time of data collection. But in this paper variables related to education and health status are only used. The study indicates that about 63.3 percent of child beggars were illiterate and 58.0% of child beggars never attended to school. The massive percentages of the respondents (85.0%) were not linking any kind of work other than begging. Over half of the child beggars (55.6 percent) have reported about playing with friends during leisure time. Around 84.0% of the respondents faced different types of torture and among tortures beating was most common. Food consumption pattern was too poor and most of them are underweight. Hygienic condition of them was not satisfactory and due to this they suffer various kind of normal and severe disease. But one important thing is that 85.6% had no drug addiction habit.
Child Beggars, Education and Health Status, Sylhet City, Bangladesh
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