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Alcoholism, Bribery and Abuse of Power: A Case Study of Chang’aa and Busaa Brewers in Western Kenya
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2016
Issue 1 (February)
Pages: 1-11   |   Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 42   Since Jun. 15, 2016 Views: 1584   Since Jun. 15, 2016
Oscar S. Mmbali, Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society, NIDA, Thailand.
Alcoholism especially among the youth has become a national crisis. The society legitimizes and demands substances that government has banned. Law enforcement has been crippled by high levels of corruption. This is a qualitative case study that seeks to add the voice of the brewers to the discussion about alcoholism, bribery, and related issues in order to deepen and broaden the understanding of the complex relationship between alcoholism, crime, and sustainable development. Based on healing methodology, the study seeks to explore the following questions: (1) What factors caused the brewers to continue brewing despite repeated arrests and fines imposed by authorities? (2) What larger ramifications exist from this experience? The study suggests that a holistic approach to tackling the problem of alcoholism in Kenya should involve dialogue among all stakeholders in society. This will require not only laying demands on the table; but also understanding the socio-cultural view and political inclinations underlying the demand and supply of traditional alcoholic beverages that have resisted government bans and crackdowns for decades. An effective mechanism to help society to transition from alcoholism must entail understanding where brewers and consumers are coming from and what they bring to the negotiating table.
Alcoholism, Bribery, Chang’aa, Busaa, Governance, Kenya
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