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Closer Look at EPR Paradox and Bell’s Inequality
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2015
Issue 2 (April)
Pages: 16-20   |   Vol. 2, No. 2, April 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 32   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 1656   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Vladimir K. Ignatovich, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia.
The EPR paradox is shown to be a result of the wrong definitions in quantum mechanics of such physical quantities as momentum and position. The corrected definitions show that momentum and position of particles can be precisely defined simultaneously and uncertainty relations do not prevent it. Therefore, with correct definition of physical quantities in quantum mechanics, the paradox disappears. The Bohm Aharonov version of the EPR paradox is illustrated by the example of measuring the polarization of photon pairs. The common view of the two photon state radiated by a source is presented. The common Bell’s inequality is discussed and the simplest version of it for a specific hidden variable is derived. A possibility of an experimental study of whether a photon and its polarization are preexistent before measurements is considered.
Quantum Mechanics, Uncertainty Relations, EPR Paradox, Bell’s Inequality, Hidden Parameters, Photon Polarization
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