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Research on the Competitiveness of Commercial Banks in China Based on Factor Analysis
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2019
Issue 3 (September)
Pages: 43-48   |   Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 63   Since Nov. 13, 2019 Views: 1001   Since Nov. 13, 2019
Chang Liu, College of Mathematics and Finance, Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology, Loudi, China.
Wei Li, College of Mathematics and Finance, Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology, Loudi, China.
Fang Chen, College of Mathematics and Finance, Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology, Loudi, China.
Commercial banks are the most dynamic part of the banking sector and the financial industry in China, and their competitiveness level is related to the economic development of our country. Therefore, empirical analysis and correct evaluation of the competitiveness of commercial banks are of great significance to enhance the competitiveness of commercial banks, which can also maintain the healthy development of financial industry and market economy. In this paper, 15 listed commercial banks are selected as research samples. Factor analysis is used to analyze the 15 banks from four aspects: profitability, liquidity, security and development ability. The empirical results show that: the state-owned holding banks have competitive advantages in capital adequacy and profitability, which is mainly due to the long time of the establishment of state-owned banks, the large scale of business, and the stable period of development. The city commercial banks have a better development trend and pay more attention to the risk management of bank funds. According to the ranking of comprehensive scores, urban commercial banks are outstanding. The comprehensive competitiveness of state-owned commercial banks is at a medium level. As a whole, the comprehensive ranking of joint-stock commercial banks is not ideal. Merchants Bank only has outstanding performance and unbalanced development, implying the lack of competitiveness of China's joint-stock commercial banks in all aspects.
Commercial Banks, Competitiveness, Factor Analysis
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