Uniform Asymptotic Normality of Likelihood Ratio Statistics in Competing Risks Model Under Random Censoring
Abdushukurov А. А., Dpt. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Nurmukhamedova N. S., Dpt. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
One of the basic properties of likelihood ratio statistics is the local asymptotic normality and uniform asymptotic normality. They are useful for estimation theory and hypothesis testing. The property of the uniformly asymptotically normality of likelihood ratio statistics is proved in this paper in competing risks model under random censoring by nonobserving intervals.
Competing Risks, Random Censoring, Likelihood Ratio, Local and Uniform Asymptotically Normality, Uniform Asymptotical Normality
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