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Effectiveness of the Influenza Vaccine 2016-2017 Against Seasonal Infection in Japan
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2017
Issue 1 (February)
Pages: 1-5   |   Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 24   Since Oct. 19, 2017 Views: 1241   Since Oct. 19, 2017
Jin-Ichi Sasaki, Junior College Emergency Medical Technology, Hirosaki University of Health and Welfare, Hirosaki, Japan.
Toshiko Nakajima, Health Care Center, Hirosaki University of Health and Welfare, Hirosaki, Japan.
Influenza vaccinated students at the University in Japan were subjected for evaluation of effectiveness/ineffective studies. Vaccine 2016-2017 was consisted of the influenza A (H1N1, H3 N2) viruses and influenza B (Yamagata, Victoria) viruses. Influenza A viruses were predominantly circulated at that period in Japan. All 39 students were vaccinated as a group in autumn, and the vaccinated twenty seven students were protected from Influenza illness at 70% rate (27/39) by 4 valents vaccine, and the rest 30% (12/39) were infected with influenza virus. Influenza A viruses were isolated from 11 students (91.6%) and one of influenza B viruses (8.3%) was isolated from the infected students. Infection preventive potency of the vaccine 2016-2017 was at 70% in our study. It was higher in the infection preventive ability than that of CDC estimation at 50%.
Influenza Vaccine 2016-2017, Vaccine Effectiveness/Ineffectiveness, Field Work Analysis 2017, University Students
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