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Imaging Characteristics of Recently Diagnosed Pancreatic Cancer Experience at University Clinical Centre of Kosova (2011-2014)
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2015
Issue 2 (April)
Pages: 24-34   |   Vol. 2, No. 2, April 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 33   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 2002   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Dedushi Kreshnike, Department of Radiology, Diagnostic Centre, UCCK, Prishtina City, Kosovo; Faculty of Medicine, Prishtina University, Prishtina City, Kosovo.
Kabashi Serbeze, Department of Radiology, Diagnostic Centre, UCCK, Prishtina City, Kosovo; Faculty of Medicine, Prishtina University, Prishtina City, Kosovo.
Hoxhaj Astrit, Hospita Hygea, Tirana City, Albania.
Ahmetgjekaj Ilir, Department of Radiology, Diagnostic Centre, UCCK, Prishtina City, Kosovo; Faculty of Medicine, Prishtina University, Prishtina City, Kosovo.
Biçaku Ardian, Department of Radiology, Diagnostic Centre, UCCK, Prishtina City, Kosovo; Faculty of Medicine, Prishtina University, Prishtina City, Kosovo.
Muçaj Sefedin, Faculty of Medicine, Prishtina University, Prishtina City, Kosovo.
Hasbahta Gazmend, Department of Radiology, Diagnostic Centre, UCCK, Prishtina City, Kosovo.
Kabashi Antigona, Department of Radiology, Diagnostic Centre, UCCK, Prishtina City, Kosovo; Faculty of Medicine, Prishtina University, Prishtina City, Kosovo.
Shatri Jeton, Department of Radiology, Diagnostic Centre, UCCK, Prishtina City, Kosovo; Faculty of Medicine, Prishtina University, Prishtina City, Kosovo.
Aim of the paper: The aim of this paper is to evaluate our experience of imaging characteristics of recently diagnosed pancreatic cancers at University Clinical Center of Kosovo. We evaluated incidence of the pancreatic cancers, distant metastases and other local infiltration signs among the total cases of the pancreatic cancers diagnosed in the University Clinical Center of Kosovo, with the aim to compare these research findings to similar studies made in the developed countries. This is a retrospective research study done during the period of 2011-2014. Materials and Methodology: This retrospective research study includes 97 patients recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, examined in the period of 2011-2014 at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo. The imaging diagnostics are performed with MSCT Sensation 64 Siemens, MSCT Emotion 6 Siemens, and 1.5T MRI Symphony Siemens, in the Radiologic Clinic of UCCK; while the histopathology diagnostics has been performed in Clinic of Pathology at UCCK. Results: Out of a total of the 97 patients diagnosed with pancreas cancer, 76 cases resulted in head and neck 79.4 % (n=76), 20 cases resulted in body and tail cancers (21%), 1 cases resulted metastasis in pancreas by carcinoma in colon, distant metastases in first imaging modality were found in(n=42) patients 43.3 %, local infiltration was found in patients: gastric infiltration (n=15), duodenal and papilla infiltration (n=26), local infiltration spleen (n=2), local infiltration mesentery ( n= 43), dilated biliary tree (n=34), regional lymph node infiltration (n=83). Out of a total of the 97 patients diagnosed with pancreas cancer ,85 cases resulted > 2 cm and 11 cases resulted < 2 cm and with component cystic was 41.2 %( n = 40), solid with component cystic – necrotic 33% (n=32), solid 25.8% (n=25). Discussion and Conclusions: Seventy-four percent (74%, n=72) of all cancers are found in Stage III and IV. From an imaging point of view, these cancers were presented in an advanced stage, mainly due to their late clinical symptoms and limited access to imaging methods in our country.
Pancreatic Cancer, MSCT, MRI, Distant Metastasis, Local Infiltration, University Clinical Center of Kosovo, Prishtina, Kosovo
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