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Main Arteries Influence to Integral LDF-Signal Pattern
Current Issue
Volume 1, 2014
Issue 5 (September)
Pages: 34-36   |   Vol. 1, No. 5, September 2014   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 18   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 1522   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Petr Vasilev, The Department of Physiology, the Faculty of Medicine, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
Nikolay Yerofeyev, The Department of Physiology, the Faculty of Medicine, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
Nowadays there is a lot of research devoted to laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). This method has high sensitivity, but absence of clear clinical application algorithms and result interpretation criteria are making difficulties in using of this method in clinical practice. The aim of our research was an investigation of the influence of the transducer position relative to the main arteries to the LDF-signal pattern. There were examined 10 healthy volunteers, at the age 18-20. Parameters of microcirculature were assessed through an LDF system Biopac LDF 100C (Biopac instruments, USA). It were registered a LDF-recording on the lower extremity, at the middle between points of pulsing of a. dorsalis pedis and a. tibialis posterior, and at the point of a. tibialis posterior pulsing, in a horizontal body position (on the back). After processing LDF-signals interesting phenomena were registered. In the case of transducer position in the middle between the arteries there are more expressed harmonics in amplitude-frequency spectrum, particularly, the sphygmic harmonic. Comparison between average amplitudes of the sphygmic harmonic above the artery and at the middle between the arteries are significally different (p<0.05) This phenomenon we connect to an influence of the bloodstream and transmitting pulsation of close main artery to LDF-signal pattern. It can be hypothesized that in those regions such pulsation becomes a significant factor of regional modulation of microcirculatory bloodstream. Less expression of the sphygmic harmonic in amplitude-frequency spectra of LDF signal, registered above the main arteries, can be explained by changes in histological structure of main arteries and the microcirculatory vessel wall. In the main artery, because of a lot of elastic elements in the wall, bloodstream has more regular character, without sharp overfalls. Because of that, bloodstream flow speed amplitudes, caused by sphygmic waves, in the main arteries are less than in microcirculatory arterioles, which wall is practically lacking of elastic elements. So, the contribution of the sphygmic wave to the bloodstream modulation is in inverse proportion with a quantity of non-crushing elements in the vascular wall. Because of that the optimal decision is putting the LDF-transducers much farther away from the projection lines of the main arteries.
Laser Doppler Flowmetry, Noninvasive Diagnostic Methods, Microvasculature, Main arteries, Study Protocol, Sphygmic Wave, LDF-Signal Pattern
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