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Relationship Is a Central Defining Characteristic of Any Therapy in Community Mental Health Service Delivery System in Australia
Current Issue
Volume 7, 2020
Issue 1 (March)
Pages: 56-61   |   Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2020   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 80   Since Feb. 23, 2020 Views: 1497   Since Feb. 23, 2020
Tan Kan Ku, Department of Nursing, Victoria Polytechnic, Melbourne, Australia; Institute of Health and Management, Melbourne, Australia.
Michael Ha, College of Global Talents, Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai, China.
According to a sermon delivered by a priest, professors and parents are advisors to students who work and grow under their guidance. Connection is a bond between two parties operating together in a single system and relationship is an invisible force attracting the two parties. The absence or the weakness of this force causes the system to malfunction or even collapse. In this paper, we look at the key elements in therapy. Be it physical, psychological or mental therapy, one of the most important factors or characteristics which produces favourable results is relationship. In the context of establishing a therapeutic relationship with clients who have been diagnosed with a mental illness (mood disorder, anxiety disorder, psychotic disorder or personality disorder), relationship is a central characteristic of any therapy. A therapist who utilizes the consumer-partnership paradigm focusing on therapeutic interaction (verbal and non-verbal communication) between the client and the therapist can promote self-growth for the client (client-centred and non-directive counseling model). A therapist has other roles in the therapeutic process. A therapist is an advocate for clients with diminished autonomy to ensure they receive appropriate services with adequate information. A therapist facilitates clients in setting goals as they recover from their illness. The application of a biblical concept acknowledging the client is created in God’s image can further strengthen the therapeutic relationship as people are social beings, who long to have comfort, love and affection.
Psychiatric Nursing, Interpersonal Relationship, Therapy, Client-Centred, Stigmatised
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